Posts tagged brain development
A Crisis in Creativity

This one’s gonna blow your minds, so buckle your seatbelt…your lap belt and your overhead bar.

I was asked to present at our local networking meeting last month, so I started diving into an article that I had found while doing some research a few month’s back, because the article name peaked my interest…”The Creativity Crisis,” making a strong case that creativity is in sharp decline across America.

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Code for Success

As parents, we make a lot of calculated decisions- sometimes from day one- Breastmilk or bottle, cloth or disposable diapers, public, private, or homeschool. Music lessons or dance.

Then, the very next moment, we find ourselves making fly by the seat of our pants decisions- Handling that first tantrum at the grocery store, what's for lunch, or what to do when your baby strikes a fever for the first time.

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