Piano lessons for age 5 and 6, Ankeny, IA

Play A Story

For Kids age 5-6

Innermusician is focused on empowering self expression through music.

We have chosen Play A Story as our program to bridge the gap between Music Rhapsody and RSL due to its beautiful integration of structure and expression. Children at six years old are still very focused on fine motor skills and dexterity in both hands. This program meets each child where they are at with attention span and focus during practice for each student to experience victory after victory.

Play A Story creates an environment of developmentally appropriate “motifs” (shorter songs) for students to craft together in their own unique way to form a story. The program integrates chord theory, dynamic and technique, while preparing students for a strong foundation prior to Simply Music. We’ve found that our students who start with Play A Story have an amazing success rate when they get to Simply Music!

From Innermusician:

"In every lesson, music improvisation is taught in a way that is creative, effective and immediately achievable. We do this using music motifs, or themes, that capture the musical imagination. Couple the motif with a scene from a story or a movie, and you have all the inspiration you need to create music that portrays the breadth of human emotions.”
