Posts tagged Ankeny
Here I Come A-Caroling

Last week, my brother, sent me a surprising text message in a group chat we have with our family: “Honest question. Does anyone want to go Christmas caroling this year?”

I’ll be honest with you, “Heck to the no!!” was the first thought that popped into my head after I read his message. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not a Grinch who despises Christmas and refuses to participate in holiday traditions. It is the caroling that I’m not particularly excited about. I guess there is something about singing to a bunch of strangers in the bone chilling December cold that gets my gut all tied up in knots. In fact, I get nervous just thinking about it!
How about you? Are you planning on coming a-caroling through the neighborhood this Christmas? Or does the mere thought of it make you shiver? Or maybe for you, caroling is an essential part of your family’s holiday tradition?

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