TBT: How Far Has Your Student Come?

Originally published: Monday, June 3rd

What is your measure of success?  

Traditional lessons and other Simply Music structured lessons that I know take summers off of lessons. As you know, we continue year round, since our philosophy is music as a lifelong companion. This adds an additional three and a half months of lessons to your students continuity. Factor in an additional month and a half for "catching up" and getting in the groove again, and you've got four months of lessons you would normally be missing that we incorporate into your membership.

So not only are you receiving the best music education in Ankeny, learning in one year what takes most lessons two or more years to learn; in two years your student has received 8 more months of lessons than an average piano student. That's roughly 2.75 times the learning of an average piano student!!  

To be honest, this is a better measure of success than comparing ourselves individually and specifically to a technical piece. Remember that your students are learning technique, theory and exposure invisibly through their lessons, without even realizing it. It's wonderful to be mindful of your students peers to be able to chat with them about this if it comes up.

A great reminder for the summer months - when students have the most time on their hands, anyway. (pun intended) Gear up, because summer is my favorite lesson time.